Legends speak of a Death Metal festival that was so good, it ran for a few years and gained tremendous respect in the Extreme Metal scene, specifically the Death Metal scene.
That the atmosphere in it was so nice, it was topping most of its bigger brothers in Europe, and that the people behind it did everything they could to make it so, without any real help from big music industry names. That festival was Kill-Town Death Fest, and it was one of the main attractions for a good few years, until it needed to close its doors at 2014, for various reasons. However, in 2018 it made a comeback, and the 600 limited-run tickets that were available, were all sold out pretty damn fast. The festival spot has been changed to a bigger, better venue, but none of the charm was gone and the heart of the festival kept on pumping, fueling the best atmosphere you can get in a Metal fest, pretty much.. Read the entire report!