On February 24th 2023, Heidevolk released their long awaited album :Wederkeer:. The day before the official release of the album, the band celebrated the release with a traditional ‘Straalschijf Ontketen Feest’ in the heart of where it all began: Arnhem. All people present had the opportunity to hear the new songs before they were released and get their own (signed) copy of the album already!
Supported by openings act Baldrs Draumar an epic night was guaranteed.
The band played every song of :Wederkeer:, and some of their classics as well. The new songs and the old were all well received by the friends, fans and family that came to Luxor Live to celebrate with the band.
We from metal-exposure were present from the afternoon on, to capture some small nerves, but mostly a lot of excitement building up during the day, and of course the show itself!
Heidevolk :Wederkeer: – release show Luxor Live Arnhem