We all know Utrecht is the breeding ground for some of the best (black) metal in The Netherlands. The plague doctor masked faces that form Laster, in my opinion, definitely fall in that category. One could even say they are one of the most experimental bands out there.
They describe their own music as obscure dance music, which I wholeheartedly agree with. It’s like black metal infused contemporary art in the music genre. While their roots might be in black metal, it’s laced with experimental veils.
You name it, it’s in it. A unique listen that’s funky, eerie, bombastic, jazzy, soothing, and sometimes on the brink of psychotic. After the last notes fade out you’re left with a lot of questions but definitely wanting more.
The first track ‘Vacuüm ≠ behoud’ makes for a great start. Groovy and yet haunting, with the familiar screams of N. The feeling that creeps up on you is that of the inevitable fall in a pitch black pit of despair, especially when the Spanish guitar makes it’s entrance.
While listening this feeling stayed, albeit in stronger or weaker forms.
A certain calmth, while something bleak and eerie is breathing down your neck at the same time.
Is it an easy listen? Yes, and no. It’s unpredictable and moody. It’s smooth around the edges but the heart is an experimental explosion of the mind the bordering on madness. Nevertheless the songs feel interwoven, almost storylike, which seems to have quite the calming effect on me.
The best advice I can give you is to listen to it, and press repeat.
The second best advice I can give you is to listen to this and read the novel of Ruben Wijlacker “De protodood in zwarte haren” at the same time.
You might end up in a mental institute, you might end up dancing.
Favorite song: Zomersneeuw
Review by: Empusa
release: 5 april 2019
Record label: Prophecy Productions
Rating: 9/10
1. Vacuüm Behoud
2. Schone Schijn
3. Zomersneeuw
4. Ondersteboven
5. Haat & Bonhomie
6. Blind Staren
7. Weerworm
8. Zinsbetovering