In the world of metal festivals there is a lot to offer – festivals for every taste in metal and ambiance. There’s festivals on fields, in forests, on hills, in caves, amidst ruins…and then, there is Midgardsblot. This festival in the south of Norway has it all – a stunning location, outstanding organization, an amazing “theme” and the greatest visitors in the world..from all over the globe. What makes this metal festival unique is that at Midgardsblot, celebrating heritage and culture is the purpose of the event, with music just being part of the program. Other “ingredients” are the lectures, the Midgard Historical Centre itself, the grave mounds, the Viking name just a few. As for the musical part this year: it was as promising as ever – Moonsorrow, Gaahls Wyrd, Unleashed, Winterfylleth – bands that fit excellent with the theme of the festival.. Read all about it here!
Festival review: Midgardsblot 2017