What can I say about 2021? I will not let my personal and political views meddle with the good things experienced this year. One of the few things I get positive vibes from is music. Luckily, there were plenty of quality releases this year. It seems that the dreaded C-virus has managed to give some spare time for a lot of music makers. Instead of touring they had the “luxury” of spending their energy channeled in creating some really excellent albums, DP’s etc. I still am looking into some albums which I didn’t had the chance to delve in. So this yearlist is a reflection of this moment, nothing more.
Fortunately I had the chance to witness a few live concerts and festivals.
It started in Belgium with Metal Mean with Misphyrming, Sabbatan and Bolzer. Also I was present, see review, at the Soulcrusher festival in Nijmegen. But I could also get my kicks from non-metal bands and festivals such as She Past Away, Whispering Sons, E-tropolis festival and Wave fest in Baroeg.
The last concert of this year was Marduk in Doornroosje, Nijmegen. This semi-seated concert, just watch the videos on YouTube, made a fitting end of this years live visitations. All in all no reason to complain.
When looking at the releases in 2021 I can only say that there is so much quality this year that my home stereo set was playing almost non stop. But without further ado I will present my yearlist:
Funeral Mist – Deiform
Ice Ages – Vibe of Scorn
Perturbator – Lustful Sacraments
Hypocrisy – Worship
Ministry – Moral Hygiene
GosT – Ristes of Love and Reverence
Fluisteraars – Gegrepen door de Geest der Zielsontluiking
Last Days of Humanity – Horrific Compositions of Decomposition
Helleruin – War upon Man
Funeral Winds – Gruzelementen
Wish you all a healthy, heavy and music loaded 2022 without any bullshit and restrictions.