Originally started by Krigest as one man project things really became serious when he relocated from New Zealand to Scotland and assembled a full band. This is the fourth strike of Barshasketh and the sheer quality makes me curious of its previous albums.
And what are we treated upon in this self-titled album? Uncompromising Black Metal art in vein of Mgla, Ascension and Svarti Daudi. Intense opener track “Vacillation” immediately grabs your total intention with killer incisive riffs, tempo changes and loads of aggression. “Resolve” nearly perfects this while craft fully playing with tempo and aggression. “Consciousness” is divided into two parts. While the first part is powerful, dark and aggressive, the second part has a gloomier atmosphere due the excellent guitar part in the beginning just before bursting into flames.
In this album, a lot happens. Especially the guitar play has a lot of variation: from tremolo to more dissonant riffs. It will take you more than a few spins to fully grasp this album. But when it grasps you it will mesmerize the entire 50 minute ride! Accompanied by a great production on which every instrument is clearly defined this album is a grand journey in the depths of hell.
Barshasketh is sheer diabolical pleasure to listen to. Pitch dark, aggressive yet melodic orthodox blasphemous power is being shown here. Listen and judge yourself. Hail Barshasketh!
Score: 8,6 of 10
Label: World Terror Committee
Release date: January 15th 2019
Review by: Erik
Track List:
1. Vacillation
2. Resolve
3. Consciousness I
4. Consciousness II
5. Ruin I
6. Ruin II
7. Rebirth
8. Recrudescence