Six years ago I reviewed Barshasketh’s self-titled album (see: the review) and was very impressed by their craftmanship and applauded this, originally hailing from New Zealand but now, Scottish occult Black Metal record with a score of 8,6.
It has been a long wait but finally it is time for a new release, namely “Antinomian Asceticism” This album is a vile piece of work not for the faint of hearted. An intense and haunting journey handling occult, misanthropic themes. The music itself has a lot of depth and layers and is best consumed at home with a good stereo set-up. The complexity will take a few spins, in order to fully digest. Their fifth installment is, like its predecessors, a heavy one and creates an intense journey. Blasting complex tremolo, ambient atmosphere, harsh vocals, frantic drumming and chants make this album a well thought out journey into the occult regions. Some songs have a ritualistic character especially when chanting is being used. There’s a narrative throughout the album which connects the seven tracks making it an intriguing whole.
The album starts with “Radiant Aperture”. A church bell starts and soon after Barshasketh unleashes its venomous darkness with a heavy dose of ferocity. Especially the chants together with the filthy scream of multi-instrumentalist KG pierces through marrow and bone. It is a fast and relentless track which is harsh, grim but doesn’t forget to add atmosphere. It feels like a logical continuation of the previous album.
“Nitimur in Vetium”, which means we strive for what is forbidden (a phrase from Nietsche), contains great melody, has a sinister atmosphere and has a hellish tempo creating a sense of urgency.
“Lebenswelt Below” starts slowly building momentum and dread before bursting in a diabolical frenzy and has a great bass driven outro while “Charnel Quietism” is as violent as it is haunting combing mid-tempo, fast riffs and dark melodies. “Phaneron Engulf” has an ambient, meditative approach and gradually lets guitar parts seep in. It can, in my opinion, be seen as an interlude to the agony and darkness to come. And with the title track ”Antinomian Asceticism” the darkness surely comes. This song is pitch dark, aggressive, contains loads of atmosphere and has a sinister and fitting outro. The album concludes with “Exultation of Ceaseless Defiance” which accumulates into a fitting ending making you hungry for more.
“Antinomian Asceticism” is definitely Barshasketh’s best release to date. With a thick and heavy sound this album makes sure that you are on the tip of your seat. It is not always easy to swallow songs but if you put your dark heart in it its splendor will captivate you. In the review of its predecessor, I mentioned some familiar acts. It also reminds me of Akhlys (and Nightbringer) somewhat. You will surely understand that the music is complex yet very well thought out (and with great cover art). An album very much playing in your favorite format. Music wise we’re off with a great start in 2025 and wonder how Barshasketh will play this live. If you take Black Metal music seriously you should give this album a go. Good stuff!
Score: 8,5 / 10
Release date: 9 January 2025
Label: World Terror Committee Productions
Reviewed by: Erik
Track list:
- Radiant Aperture
- Nitimur in Vetium
- Lebenswelt Below
- Charnel Quitism
- Phaneron Engulf
- Antinomian Asceticism
- Exultatation of Ceaseless Defiance