Alestorm – Voyage of the Dead Marauder EP

We’re returning to the seven seas with Alestorm, with their new EP “Voyage of the Dead Marauder”.
The band already released their first single “Voyage of the Dead Marauder” featuring the brilliant Patty Gurdy on the Hurdy Gurdy. The wailing guitar in the beginning gives you a sneak peek at the boldness of this song. It takes you on a trip with three kinds of vocals. With Christopher Bowes’s pirate sound, Elliot Vernon’s growls and Gurdy’s clean vocals, this track stands strong and among the best songs that the band has released. Patty Gurdy joined Alestorm on their UK/Ireland tour to play these songs live.

To not spoil the other songs on this EP, I will keep it short and simple. Alestorm delivers again with something only they can get away with. An EP full of amazing songs, and of course it must include a song that is so rude, it probably won’t be played on the radio. The tracks are very different from each other, but don’t stray away too much from the Alestorm formula, with one of the songs being an instrumental retro sounding sea shanty. Big sounding songs all with a different flavour, as they take you around the world for this 5 song EP.  If you have a few minutes left to spare in a day and you want to dance around with a smile on your face; put this EP on and you while have a good time.

Rating: 9/10

Release Date: 22 March 2024
Label: Napalm Records

writer: Antonie

Track listing

  1. Voyage of the Dead Marauder
  2. Uzbekistan
  3. The Last Saskatchewan Pirate
  4. Sea Shanty 2
  5. Cock




Hi, My Name is Antonie and I'm from The Netherlands. I fell in love with music at a young age and I am still discovering new types of music everyday. Some of my favorite bands are Bon Jovi, Creed, Powerwolf, Rob Zombie, Alice Cooper, Turisas, Misfits and Black Sabbath/Ozzy Osbourne. However I always say my musical taste varies between Black Metal and Disney. Since I started with a radio show on HeadbangersFM in 2014, I have been busy with doing interviews and writing reviews. In my spare time I also like to play videogames and I stream on Twitch.

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